Christmas is 2 weeks away and we are already getting our fair share of snow!
Just like humans, we believe dogs have their favorite season and our dogs here at The Pets Ark just love that time of the year.
You will find below a couple things you need to be aware of when it comes to dogs during a cold and snowy winter season!
Make sure your dog sleeps in a warm bed
Add blankets to their favorite spot and use elevated beds to ensure your dog does not sleep on cold tiles. Using a heated bed can also help the older dogs with their arthritis.
Careful though to place them away from the heaters and fireplaces to avoid any unnecessary burns!
Go outside when it’s sunny
Enjoy the benefits of Vitamin D while doing a little walk or playing outside while the sun is out. During Winter we recommend walking your dog in the late morning or early afternoon to avoid cold temperatures.
Prefer short and frequent walks to long ones!
How do I know if my dog is cold?
Some breeds are blessed with a very thick coat that will keep them naturally warm, however other short hair breeds may just not simply handle the same temperatures.
Younger and older dogs also have a hard time regulating their body temperature, keep that in mind before going outdoors.
If you are standing outside without a coat on and you get cold, that probably means your dog needs an extra layer too!
Make sure they get a fair share of exercise
Because it’s cold outside does not mean they can’t get moving! Adapt the amount of food to their activity level to make sure they do not gain weight during these cold months.
Avoid dehydration
Yes, a dog can dehydrate during Winter, too! Snow ≠ water!
Always have a bowl of fresh water and make sure your dog drinks enough during the day.
Bad season for arthritis
Cold weather is likely to have an impact on your senior dog, especially when it comes to arthritis.
Maintain your exercise routine and beware of the slippery surfaces, to ensure they don’t hurt themselves even more. You can also give them joint supplements to go through Winter without a scratch.
Watch out for frostbites and hypothermia
These two serious conditions are the most common to cold weather.
When a dog spends too much time out in the cold, the blood is pulled from the extremities to the center of the body to keep the organs warm. The extremities are left unprotected and frostbites can appear, on the ears, paws or tail.
Dogs may also shiver and become lethargic – with cold temperatures the muscles will go stiff and it may also weaken their hearts.
Winter salt and antifreeze
They are both harmful, make sure you store these away and, if possible, avoid the city sidewalks or clean your dog’s paws so they don’t lick them!

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The Pets Ark family